How to Add Member in the Society

To add a new member to the Society, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to Dashboard. Click on Members
  2. The directory will open.
  3. Click on the plus icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to add a member.
  4. Two options will ask to Add Member either Select Contact or Add Details Manually
  5. Add the member details like mobile, email, and Name.
  6. In the Type field, assign a role to the member:
  7. You can assign any type of access to the member.
  8. If access is given as Admin he can handle everything.
  9. If access is given as Resident he has restricted access limited to his flat.
  10. If access is given as Manager you can limit the access.
  11. To assign the new role as Secretary, Accountant, or any other role. Select Manager and then Type the Role name in the Role field. Give the necessary access as per his role.

  13. Click on Save button on the top right corner of the screen.
  14. Once you add the member, the system will send the email to the member on how to access your society portal.


NOTE: Member needs to use the same mobile or email ID to access the portal else they have to send a Join Society request to access the society portal.


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