1) Click on the Left Menu.
2) Go to Accounts.
3) Select the Tab Reports which is the Third last tab of the panel.
4) Report section is divided into 4 parts:
a) Income Reports
b) Expense Reports
c) General Ledger
d) GST
Below reports are under Income Reports Section:
a) Pending Payment – Report for pending payments from all flats.
b) Defaulters – Get a list of all defaulters who are not paying society charges on time.
c) Invoices Raised – Get the list of invoices generated against all flats during a specific period.
d) Payment received from Flats – Get a list of invoices for which payment is received from society members during specific period.
e) Advances Status – Get status of currently available advances paid by flats.
f) Head-Wise Income – Get income reports between the given date range.
g) Payout Reports – Detail of online payments received using payment gateway. The report contains a payment gateway transaction number and all invoice details for easy correlation with the society bank account statement.
Reports are under Expense Reports Section:
a) Purchases – Get report of all society purchases.
b) Head- Wise Expenses – Get expense report between given data range.
Reports are under General Reports Section:
a) Receipt and Payment – Overview of where you have spent cash and from where you have received the cash.
b) Cash and Bank Flow – View report of all cash and bank transactions.
c) Income andEexpenditure -View summary of all income and expenses.
d) Balance Sheet – View statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital at a particular point in time, detailing the balanceof income and expenditure over the preceding period.
e) All Ledgers – Get combined report of all the ledgers in the given time range.
Reports are under GST Section:
a) Input tax Credit – Generate report of input tax credit received from purchases.
b) Output GST – Get report of GST Payable amount generated from society generated invoices like Maintenance bill.
5) Just click on any of the options and you can download the report.
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