OPPO Phones

For OPPO Phones


STEP – 1: List Neighbium as a protected app. To do so, kindly follow the below steps:

From the app drawer, tap on ‘Settings’. Click on ‘Advanced Settings’, go to ‘Battery Manager’ and tap on ‘Protected Apps’. Enable Neighbium to protect the app.

STEP – 2: Ignore Battery Optimization for Neighbium

From the app drawer, tap on ‘Settings’. Click on ‘Advanced Settings’ and then select ‘Battery Optimization’. Enable Neighbium to ignore optimizations.

STEP – 3: Allow notifications from Neighbium

From the app drawer, tap on ‘Settings’. Click on ‘Notification Panel & Status Bar’ and then on ‘Notification Centre’. Find Neighbium and activate allow notifications and priority display.



App notifications require an active Internet or data connection to a broadband (3G, 4G, or LTE) network, or a WiFi network. Many corporate WiFi networks impose restrictions or proxy servers that can interfere with your device’s connection to the Internet.

If you still face the issue after the above settings, please write to us at support@neighbium.com


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