Visitor Management or Gatekeeper is easy to use Android app offered by Neighbium to make the Apartments and Gated Community Gates more safe and secure. Below is how you can configure visitor management for your society.
1. From App Dashboard Click on the Left menu and select Visitor Management
2. Click on the 3 dots ⋮ at the right top corner.
3. Opens the Visitor Settings.
4. Set Gatekeeper username and Password.
Verify Visitor Mobile Number-enable this option if you want to verify visitors’ mobile no. The system will send OTP to visitor mobile which needs to be entered into the system for mobile authentication.
Enable Visitor Approval-enable this option to get approval requests on a flat member’s phone. Members can approve/reject visitors.
Enable Visitor Approval by IVR-By enabling this option visitor approval will be sent by IVR call to get the approval from the flat member.
Show Society Vehicles to Gatekeeper—Enable this option to show the list of vehicles to the gatekeeper. Gatekeepers can allow or disallow the vehicles based on the stickers.
Show Flat Directory to Gatekeeper-If this option is enabled, the gatekeeper can view the flat directory or any resident for visitor approval or any vehicle parking issue.
Enable Gate Number for Visitor Entry-If society has more than one gate and society allows entry from another gate, you can add the gate number while doing an entry for a visitor then you can enable this option.
Force Staff Exit by fingerprint Only-Staff exit will be done by fingerprint by enabling this option.
Play Ringtone for Staff Entry– If this option is enabled, whenever staff entered the society ringtone will be played on the resident mobile.
Share Visitor Data to Improve Search Results- you can share visitor data to improve faster search results.
Alert Gatekeeper if Visitor Over-Stayed–If this option is enabled, if any visitor or delivery man stays more than a defined time, then the alert sound will be played at the gatekeeper’s mobile onset frequency.
Alert Management if Visitor Over-Stayed– If this option is enabled if any visitor or delivery man stays more than a defined time. Then the alert sound will be played at management mobile no.
Restrict the Visitor Data Access to the Gatekeeper– For the selected duration. Visitors who are IN the society will be visible to gatekeepers until they exit.
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