How to adjust maintenance amount paid by Resident towards Society Expenses?

Follow below steps to adjust the maintenance amount paid by Resident towards Society Expenses:

1. First we need to create the ledger for the flat member.

a. Go to Accounts –> Ledgers –> Add New Ledger.

b. Enter the details mentioned in below image and click save. This will create ledger in the system.

2. Now add the expense entry in the system.

a. Go to Accounts –> Action Tab –> All Purchases & Expenses.

b. Click on Add icon to add the expense.

c. Set the vendor name to whom resident has made the payment. In our example, resident has paid for the stationary item.

d. Click on Done

e. Select the ledger and enter the expense description & amount. Click on Ok once done.

f. Click on ‘Click here to add payment details’ button.

g. Select the payment mode as Accounts Adjustment and other payment details on how the amount is paid by the user. Click on Ok once done.

h. Click on save icon to save the expense entry.

3. Now adjust the expense against the resident bill.

a. Go to All Flat and select the flat from the list and select the My bills section.

b. Select the bill to adjust the amount.

c. Click on Payment Received button and select the payment mode as Accounts adjustment and enter the amount to adjust.

d. Click on Ok once done.

e. That’s It! System will auto adjust the advance amount paid by the resident against the bill.


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